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Regression and Spiritual Hypnotherapy
Purchase Options Below

  • Present Life Regression, Childhood Chakra Regression or Higher Guidance Premium.  Three sessions up to 3.5 hours. First session includes Intake, Introduction, Interview, Hypnosis and debriefing and finding meaning; Second session includes Regression hypnosis, debriefing and finding meaning; and Third Session is to follow up to address new insights which may arise after regression hypnosis. Regularly $542. -Now $525 (Includes multi-session discount)

  • Present Life Regression, Childhood Chakra Regression or Higher Guidance Medium.Two sessions up to 3 hours. First session includes Intake, Introduction, Interview, Hypnosis and debriefing and finding meaning; Second session includes Regression hypnosis, debriefing and finding meaning Regularly $463. Now $450 (includes multi-session discount)

  • Present Life Regression, Childhood Chakra Regression or Higher Guidance Lite.Two sessions up to 2.5 hours. Follow-up session to address new insights which arise after regression hypnosis. Regularly $388. Now $375 (includes multi-session discount)

  • ​Present Life Regression, Childhood Chakra or Higher Guidance. One session, up to 1.5 hour. Brief intake and interview and maybe a shorter regression hypnosis, brief debriefing, no follow-up. $233


Available Upon Request

  • Past Life Regression. Two sessions, up to 2.5 hours. First session, up to 1.5 hours, includes intake, introduction, interview, regression and debriefing and finding meaning. Second session is to follow-up to address new insights which may arise after past life regression. $388 

  • Past Life Regression. One session, up to 1.5 hours. Same as above but no follow-up session.. $233

  • Live Between Lives. One session up to 4 hours $620;   $25 every 15 minutes after that. For the Novice 3 Sessions up to 6.5 hours $906


  • Acceptable Payment Methods are listed here

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